Moon mars and connected platforms


Google spins out secret hi-speed telecom project called Aalyria, and keeps stake in startup
Inside Google, a team of techies has been working behind the scenes on software for high-speed communications networks that extend from land to space.
There’s a plan for Google’s failed balloon-based internet, and it involves lasers
Alphabet’s Loon project, which aimed to provide internet via a series of balloons, was shut down last year — but the tech associated with it has been spun off into a startup.
Google’s Loon Project Gets Resurrected. Without Google. Or Balloons
The startup Aalyria Technologies wants to provide high-speed internet using software and networking technology from an abandoned moonshot.

Pathfinder Podcast

Aalyria just emerged from stealth mode, announcing an acquisition of a trove of connectivity technology from Google. The search juggernaut's parent company Alphabet has been developing high-altitude networking technology and apparently a space laser for years, if not decades.

Satellite 2023 Keynote

Revolutionizing All-Domain Mesh Networks at Planetary Scale